Q. What can you make for £250? A. The Hive Dalston!

Regular visitors to this website, or to the Hive itself, will probably be aware that The Hive is the latest (ad)venture from ReSpace Projects – a not for profit organisation set-up to use intelligent solutions and recycled resources to provide the infrastructure to create buildings like the Hive everywhere.

What you may not know is that this unique model has meant that – with the collaboration of the Owners, the local community, local businesses and large building companies and contractors – we have been able to turn the dirty, stripped out, wrecked and lifeless husk that was left behind by a high priced street food company into our showcase project for an initial investment of £250!

Now into it’s third month the Hive has hosted numerous exhibitions, workshops, events, meetings, fitness classes, Permaculture lectures, etc, etc….. the list goes on… and we have so many beautiful and vibrant events lined up for you! No-one receives any wages and we are committed to investing every penny back into improving the facilities and systems each and every day.

We have been blessed to see 6 monks flown over from their exile in India to create a meaningful celebration that ties in appropriately with our ethics of cycling and recycling of life. I take this as a good omen. :)

Onward, ever onward, please keep your eye on our activities and/or get in touch if you want to know more about our methods and get involved in this growing movement toward a more holistic regeneration. :)

Peace and love, people.


Hive News 29/7/15

This month the Hive has had a growth spurt!

We’ve opened our second art exhibition, Industrial/ Rhythm/ Structure from graduate of the Royal Drawing Show, Emma Seach, which saw a crowd of interest and a welcome gift of free beer from the local Beaverton Brewery. Thanks guys!
Our scrubby patch of concrete has bloomed (slightly) with tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and a flash of foxgloves. If there are any gardeners out there looking for a patch to tend, your help would be very welcome!
Smartphone Video Activism on Tuesdays is proving very popular and we’ve linked up with some inspiring groups we met at the recent festival at The Spark: Vive le revolution! Wednesday sees things kept calm and ship-shape with the general scrubbing and sculpting of this fine specimen we call The Hive. In the evening there are life drawing sessions and a yoga class hosted by Fuzia.
This Thursday it’s our fortnightly open mic, Come Jam With Me, so if you like to play, listen, dance and jam then swing by. In the afternoon we have a creative writing session at our cafe which sells teas, coffee and snacks at rates you’d find up North.
On Friday we’re raising vibrations and temperatures with possibly the most unusual pairing this full moon: The Tibet Relief Fund are flying over six Buddhist monks to create a photo exhibition and sand mandala, whilst downstairs Thor’s Burlesque show brings nipple tassles to the party. Who knows what could happen if the two should meet…
The Hive in an evolution of the free social space – it’s an exciting and fast changing time. Over the weekend there is an Introduction to Permaculture as well as a chilled Sunday of general helping hands and hanging out. If you haven’t already, drop by and see how the space inspires you. Come along to the Monday 7pm project organising meet to get more involved.

Poem Written about the Freedom Exhibition

This wonderful poem was written by poet BRS after he joined us for open mic night on Thursday June 4th. It is now hanging in the exhibition with all the others.
In case you can’t read it in the photo, here it is:

11401419_897528216979866_5276417579940862895_nFree To Show, Free To Go

I took a walk near Haggerston
And found this brilliant place
With music, art and friendship
And freedom in one space
Good people to relate to
And lots of stuff to see
A mic to get your words across
And best of all it’s free.
So if you’re ever up near Dalston
Check out what I’ve just seen
It’s called Freedom Exhibition
You’ll find out what I mean.
A place to chill or council
Great art is all around
A message of true freedom
On walls, in life, and sound.