Hive Hero: Felicia

Fluent in more languages than I even knew existed, Felicia joined us over the summer of 2016 and became the face of the Hive for that season.0023616821

She brought hope, flowers and a keen intelligence and greeted every guest like a long-lost friend. Talented in so many ways, we remember her sitting at the cafe reading chapters from her book “The Land Kids”. She always had time to help someone in need and never stopped encouraging people to dare that little bit more than they dared!

This streak of daring and caring led her to join a rooftop protest for fathers rights and led to one of her finest moments… riding high in the sky on the top of St Paul’s Cathedral to drape a banner in a death-defying feat.

However this led to her arrest and subsequent trial. Just days before court Felicia took her own life.

The world has lost an angel. Heaven has gained one.

Felicia, we primates miss you.


Hive Hero: Michael

The first Hive hero… Michael is the Landlord of the Hive.

Without him taking a chance on working with us then we wouldn’t be here.

Michael had been a developer for many years and had a significant impact in the growth of the Kingsland Basin area – where the Hive is situated. Having built so many residential blocks nearby he felt that the area needed something more to stimulate those people who live there. To give them somewhere to work and play as well as live.

He had let it be known to Hackney Charities Voluntary Services that he was interested in lending them the building… they contacted us and the rest is history.

He has been a huge supporter and has even gone on to help our sister project “Passing Clouds” in their campaign to get their building back.

Michael is fast developing a reputation as an innovative social developer.

Thank You.

Here’s a clip of Michael explaining some of the worries he had before the Hive started!