
Artist Emma Seach

The drawings are the simplified rhythms of industrial architecture taken from the cityscapes of Deli, Detroit and London. The compositions are inspired by the structures and textures of experimental electronic music.

As part of the exhibition there will be a live drawing element. Emma will be using the exhibition space as a studio for the duration of the show. This will give you the chance to talk to, watch and join in with drawing alongside the artist.

All works are for sale. Originals and prints available.

Free Entry

Private view on Friday 24th July, from 7.30pm – 10.30pm.

To accompany the drawings 25K MPH will provide a live performance of machine-made electronic music with an industrial edge. 25K MPH is the speed required to leave the earth’s atmostphere. The mechanics making this possible is the subject of their first release, they start with the combustion engine…

Music from 9pm

Complimentary drinks provided by Beavertown brewery.


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