The Freedom Exhibition was the Hive’s opening event. A two week festival of artwork, music, poetry, talks screenings and workshops inspired by the concept of Freedom.



This exhibition was a rejection of the freedom_photo3usual binary affair which divides the world into artist and audience. It was inspired by this idea that all of us have a unique and interesting perspective, and that amazing things can happen when we are allowed to freely inspire one another.

We started the show on Saturday May 30th with a group exhibition of about 15 international artists, and over a fortnight of workshops, talks and performances we invited anyone who came to the show to bring their own freedom_photo6 freedom inspired artwork, or to make something on site to go into the exhibition.

Our offer was “if you bring it, we’ll find a space for it” and the result was a constantly evolving display that grew and changed as more artwork was brought in, or created on site.




As well as contributions from an international collection of London based freedom_photo8artists, Freedom also featured artwork loaned to the Hive by the Prople’s Republic of Stokes Croft. This included a 20ft pannel of stencils displaying the message ‘Be The Change You Want to See’ as well as a wooden bear representing the ongoing struggle to keep the Bear Pit in Bristol in public hands.





This poem was written by the poet BRS on encountering the Freedom exhibition:

freedom_photo10 brian_hive1
















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