Ellen Poster A4 Landscape

Premiering as part of this years Refugee Week:

You, Me and the Distance Between Us. A one woman show.
Sunday 19th June. 4pm & 7pm. £5

An international humanitarian crisis is unfolding before us. And no one’s really sure what to do about it.

Most people sheepishly pretend its not happening.

Some people resolutely turn their backs.

Others attempt to open their arms. And inevitably, as with most good intentions: Things. Get. Messy.

…Wait, that last bit came out wrong. I’m not suggesting we don’t help. I guess I’m more reflecting on the morally complicated and existentially confusing nature of helping. Which is, inevitably, messy.
Or was that just me?

‘You, me and the Distance Between Us’ is a new autobiographical one woman show. It uses poetry, puppetry and song to address the expectations, experiences and insecurities of its performer; an unavoidably middle class drama graduate who foundherself volunteering in the midst of the current refugee crisis in Europe.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/272020736484144/

Running time: 45 minutes. Followed by short Q&A session.
Ticket Price: £5
Check back soon for a link to purchase tickets.
If you are unwaged or unable to pay please email ellen.muriel6@gmail.com to reserve a free ticket.

