
Thursdays at 8 – 10
Do you sometimes just want to shout, scream or sing but feel restricted even when nobody’s around ? Or perhaps you are a singer who can hit all the right notes but is still looking for his / her own voice ? We invite you to the non-judgmental zone of Voice DNA where there is no good or bad voice, just voices and sounds waiting to be explored and released.

Hello voice explorers !

I want to thank you all for helping me channel my passion into Voice DNA and carry on doing the workshops. Voice DNA takes place at The Hive Dalston every Thursday, 8-10pm. It’s worth saying that it’s a massive support when you show up with a friend or recommend Voice DNA to someone who could benefit from it. I’m also doing private sessions for more in depth and personal exploration, please get in touch if you would like to find out more about that.

Since I started Voice DNA, I felt blessed to be of service to people who are looking for their voice, and I kept offering the workshops at an introductory price so that everyone could experience the medicinal effects of vocal freedom.
I invest a considerable amount of my time each week to research and develop new exercises and games to offer you the best workshop experience. A lot of my income goes towards purchasing instruments and equipment that enhance the quality of the Voice DNA sessions. As much as I love helping people discover their unique voice, I need to keep Voice DNA sustainable. I sincerely hope that you agree with me.

Voice DNA is now following a structure of 6 weekly cycles that explore voice and spontaneous singing from different perspectives that complement each other.Week 1: Play
Week 2: Listening
Week 3: Rhythm
Week 4: Microphone Fun
Week 5: Circle Singing
Week 6: Words and StoriesYou can now book all 6 sessions upfront with the discounted fee of 40 pounds. Mail me if you prefer to do so.

The cost of each session is 10 pounds (5 pounds for low waged, please get in touch if you are low waged and if you would like to book all 6 sessions – we can work something out :)

You can come to the sessions as one offs but you really benefit from the course when you come regularly. You can also repeat the 6 weekly cycle many times as each time you’re bound to learn and explore something new. No two sessions are ever the same and regular attendance gives you to chance to fully develop your confidence and unique voice, much more fulfilling than merely catching a glimpse of your potential.


About Voice DNA

Voice DNA is an intimate voice journey, suitable for everyone, from complete beginners to confident singers. Experience diaphragmatic breathing with a Tibetan Bowl, toning and group singing with The Shruti Box and have a go at vocal improvisation and be part of a jam session with the Shamanic Drum.

Voice DNA allows people to discover their unique voice, as personal as their DNA and release it in a safe space where they can build the confidence to be creative. The sessions are aimed at developing wellbeing and mindfulness through playful vocal exploration. The discovery of individual expression is complemented by listening and giving space to other voices and looking for ways to blend and harmonize with them.

Every week we cover a different theme such as: Play, Listening, Rhythm, Release and Expression, Words and Stories, Circle Singing and Conducted Improvisation.

In a typical session we will:
– start with a voice warm-up and simple breathing exercises that activate our diaphragm, the power seat of our voice.
– sing various tones together with the aid of the Indian Shruti Box and Tibetan Singing Bowl, as we learn to listen and be in tune.
– learn to release our emotions through the medium of voice.
– explore the connection between the body and the voice as we combine movement and sound in playful ways.
– do a voice jam with the aid of gentle drumming in which we get to improvise simple melodies and/or sounds.

Voice DNA website is now online ! Take a peek: www.voicedna.co.uk

I’m starting to collect testimonials for the website. Testimonials are a great way to let people know what to expect from the workshop and encourage them to come and experience Voice DNA.

I would be extremely grateful if you can send me a testimonial to be shared on the website. Something about how the workshop made you feel, what it made you discover, learn or cultivate. It could be anything from a few words to a whole paragraph. Just whatever feels comfortable and easy for you. Thank you :)

About the Workshop Leader:

Uran Apak is a London based singer, composer and voice tutor. He holds an MA in Sonic Arts from Goldsmiths University.

He currently composes and performs with two bands. Istanbul based Nu Park has performed in various venues and festivals around Europe. Uran’s London based project WILDEAST is a fusion of Turkish influences with electronic music. Uran also sings and performs with TIC TOC SING, The Improvised Choir.

Along his journey of self vocal discovery, Uran had the privilege to study with excellent voice teachers such as Mike King and Brenda Rattray in London, Timur Selcuk in Istanbul and throat singer Bat-Oyun in Mongolia.

Uran also composes music for films and he was nominated for the Golden Orange Award for Best Music Score.

Since 2013, Uran has been facilitating voice workshops for a wide range of people, from 3 year old children to professional actors. Combined with his experience in composition and performance, Uran’s diverse background in Sufism, Meditation and Aikido allows him to have a holistic and innovative approach to teaching voice.

Uran’s music on the web:








