
Fri March 11 – 7pm

The eternal struggle of every film lover: you want to get into Hungarian cinema but have no idea where to start. We’re here to help! Our Hungarian double bill „for dummies“ is a great introduction to two Hungarian classics that show off very different sides of this country’s cinema.

We will start with the 1960s classic Father (Apa) by István Szabó. After the break we will follow up with the recent success, a hilarious dark comedy Kontroll. As usual, we’ve chosen the films that get very little big screen exposure in London, so make sure you snap yourself a ticket. We are hosting the screening in Hive Dalston which means plenty of snuggly sofas and relaxed atmosphere to share with your friends, family & loved ones. The best way to be introduced to Hungarian films!

About the films:
Father (Apa), dir. István Szabó, 1966
A boy in Budapest who lost his father at the age of six fantasizes about various heroic situations his dad could have gone through. Szabó’s Father is a tale of family ties and childhood imagination, with an unforgetable cinematography to boot.
Kontroll, dir. Nimród Antal, 2003
Another example of masterful take on mundane parts of our lives. Kontroll is part action thriller, part comedy and takes place entirely in the Budapest underground. We follow a series of bizzare situations involving ticket inspectors and passengers who are trying to catch the mysterious murderer.

Films are screened in original language with English subtitles.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all!

PLEASE NOTE, Hive Dalston are currently not accepting card payments, so please have change ready if you are not booking tickets ahead. Book tickets on Eventbrite:

Tickets cost £8
