
Sunday 20th Dec 3-11pm

Hey Beautiful Familia :)

We once again bring you our gathering of our tribe, this time for our Christmas Special!!

So come along and experience a tribal gathering that will include special guest speakers and musicians, our very powerful Shamanic Trance dance, singing, dancing, praying, connecting and Loving ♥

The One Love Tribal Gatherings are full energy tribal devotional gatherings, honouring our shamanic ancestry, and connecting on much deeper levels to one another. One Love is a tribal movement for London and the World. These are Shamanic fundraising events, raising money and awareness for Indigenous Tribal Communities and tribal Shamans. Akasha and Rafa have been working closely in the last 3 years with Ninawa Pai Da Mata and Txana Ikakuru from the remote Kaxinawa Tribe Indians of the Brazilian Amazon and the Taitas in Colombia from the Cofan Tribe. “One Love Tribe seeks to work towards supporting, protecting and preserving tribal peoples way of life and ancient wisdom, putting projects in place in their communities for alternative energy, permaculture, health, water, sanitation and education”

What Happens?
We shall perform a powerful Shamanic Trance Dance during the gathering, which is an ancient tradition used by many Indigenous cultures.

We will have guest Indigenous Shamans and incredible spiritual singers, poets, conscious, Spiritual leaders/teachers and conscious Dj’s at each gathering. Sacred Icaros and tribal songs will be taught and sung as a tribe. Sacred tribal singing was a way our ancestors unified the tribes. It is very powerful when we gather to sing with gratitude to the great spirit for our incarnation here on this beautiful planet!

At most One Love Tribal Gatherings will be a Sacred Water Ceremony, to bless our Mother Waters, and channel powerful healing light into this water to transform it into powerful medicine that we will drink to heal us. This will be an evening to meet many new friends and see old ones, an evening to come together in unison for a higher purpose, to be One Love Tribe.

One Love Tribe is there to help to awaken within you, to empower you, so you may remember your magnificence and that you are part of a Global family!…a Tribe of many colours, and that your spirit has been coming together with your brothers and sisters to celebrate, dance and pray for lifetimes!  AND WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!! So we celebrate that DIVINE LOVE!

We have strength in numbers! and we can move mountains when we join together in love, to connect with one another and Great Spirit to help do to help our beautiful Mother Earth’s. So it is of great importance for us to pray in large groups at this powerful time and take action.

One Love Tribe is based around the Rainbow Warriors Prophecy.
Watch this link to know more on the Rainbow Warriors Prophecy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utBkbJIYMy8

Many are waking up worldwide…..so now its time to join forces…..Rainbow warriors answer your calling and fulfill the Indigenous prophecies! Pacha Mama needs you! Come join your Tribal Family of LOVE and spread the world….tickets will sell out fast.

For more detailed info on One Love please look on our our FB and click on ‘ABOUT’

Haux Haux! Aho! Viva Pacha Mama! Viva Amore! Viva mi Familia Eskawata Kaya Wai!

Buy Tickets: http://buytickets.at/onelovetribalgathering/38566