
Call for donations to the Jungle Refugee camp Of Calais (France)
Sunday 7 th August 6pm:10pm,
Less than 100 miles from London, the “Jungle” Refugees camp in Calais hosts 6000 migrants escaping from war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Syria or Sudan. Most of them are in transit in this camp, waiting to join their families or seek asylum in the nearby UK. With limited Governmental support, they are housed in precarious conditions within a former landfill area; they urgently need food, shelter, and clothing.
We decided to respond to this crisis in the simplest way: by donating something from our food cupboards and shoe racks; and by getting our friends to do the same. Following the calls for donations from a local ONG (helprefugees.org.uk), we collected shoes, comfortable clothes, and durable food – prioritising what the migrants in Calais really need.

Join us on Saturday 6th August for a collection event and bring along a donation (maybe a pair of black running shoes, a tin of chickpeas, or an old sleeping bag?) for those in the Jungle who need it the most. During the collection, we will share stories of the refugee crisis just outside our borders and discuss how these donations can make a true difference.
Give something yours to people in need. It’s basic humanity, and it works.
£5 suggested donation
