

Join us for an epic evening of sacred dance, connection and sensuality. We will begin by opening up our bodies through movement to awaken our senses and remember our sensual selves.

We will then be invited to take off the protective masks we often wear to discover a deep connection with ourselves, our fellow humans, and to life itself. We will be guided through vulnerable, heart opening and playful exercises, rotating to explore with different partners to celebrate everyone including yourself as a luscious human and a reflection of the divine.

Next it’s time to get sensuous as we learn the basics of conscious touch, energy play AND sensual massage. We will end by integrating and embodying all we’ve learned, taking it into our cells for a more orgasmic life that is a true gift for the entire planet.

I have been asked a lot about how deep we will go and how intimate the exercises will be. To clarify: this is just a sweet and beautiful 4 hour imersion to a much deeper practice. We will remain fully clothed all the way through this. Some of the exercises involve partnered-work. You can come with a partner or if there are people there who also come alone, you may choose to work with them. All exercises are invitations and of course nobody has to do anything they don’t want to do. We will be doing excercises to release the feel good chemicals in our bodies. This is a human experience all genders welcome.

Shaft is a Sacred Sexual Awakener and is going to show you how to create a MAGICAL ceremony that will leave everyone in ecstatic bliss and even empower you to live the life of their dreams! Sacred Sexual Awakening is the process I’ve developed following a deep immersion in practitioner trainings with the most renowned schools of sacred sexuality and healing worldwide, alongside scores of client sessions, as well as my own ongoing practice.

Find out more here:

Buy tickets on the door £15