London Screening of Precarious Trajectories

A film about the stories of the people who decide to leave there homes and risk every thing to journey to Europe.

Refugees and migrants are undertaking perilous and difficult journeys on an unprecedented scale. The story of every person who makes the momentous decision to leave their homes, to flee via land or sea, is different, and they all have a difficult journey ahead. Now researchers and filmmakers from The University of York and Goldsmiths are working together to give voice, through personal testimonies, forensic analysis and film, to those migrating people.

The Precarious Trajectories Project Team investigators are:

Simon Parker (University of York)

Susan Clayton (Goldsmiths)

Eyal Weizman (Goldsmiths)

Research Fellows:

Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani (Goldsmiths)

Research Assistants:

Antonios Alexandridis, Treasa O’Brien, Jack Denham

Precarious Trajectories is part of the ESRC/DFID Urgency Call on the Mediterranean Crisis – a £1 Million investment in UK social science to support research into the migration crisis in and beyond the Mediterranean.