Table Top Sale
Sat Oct 17  11am-4pm
Table top sale to raise funds for the Hope Family Soup Run (and for the Hive)
Tables cost £10 if you bring your own, or £15 if we supply the table.
To book a pitch contact Brian on: 07874216972 or email Lisa at:
Admission = 50p adults, 20p children

Hope Family are a group of concerned individuals who got together when they saw how many people where homeless and begging for food locally. After meeting with people from the Hive it was decided that it would be paramount that they should at least do something to try and get food to the homeless in the area. So the Hope Fmaily Souprun was born. The Hive agreed to the use of their facilities for free to use as a meeting place and to stage events as fundraisers.

Recently Hope Family put on a Poetry Night called “Speak Out For The Homeless” to try and get enough funds to start the project. The night was brilliant with brilliant poets, such as Chanti, Loudspeaker, Gee and BRS taking part. There was also an open Mic section that was brilliant and well filled. Even though attendance was low there was still enough money raised to start the Souprun. Hope Family would like to thank everyone who gave their support to this event.

It has been decided that the first Souprun will take place on Wednesday 7th October. It will be once a month but it’s hoped that this will increase in coming months. These Soupruns will financed purely by personal donations and fundraisers. So look out for the next one that will be A Table Top Sale at the Hive on Saturday 17th October. 
Let’s get it together and do what we can to help some people in need.

Let’s make the coffee, the soup and more and do it now!