PowerPoint Presentation

Open Exhibition
Sunday 10th 2pm-8pm
Monday 11th 3.30-7.30pm

An exhibition put together by girls from Clapton School, working with youth charity Envision. http://envision.org.uk/

Team Breakthrough is a group of 16-18 year olds from Clapton Girls’ Academy in Hackney, who feel angry about the fact that Hackney often gets stereotyped in a negative light. They want to celebrate all that is positive and beautiful about the borough, and so are holding an art exhibition to do exactly that!

They are inviting anyone who works, lives, or even is interested in Hackney to create artwork to represent the beauty of Hackney and what it means to them – whether through photography, paintings, drawings, film, spoken word, or any other creative means – that they can exhibit at their event.

Any photos/digital media/enquiries can be sent to:  Teambreakthough@gmail.com or on twitter: @breakthrough_hk using hashtag #Don’tTurnABlindEye

Free entry