dgfSaturdays 10-11am

DGF Training has 15 years experience of group exercise sessions & personal training. We are now bring our experience to the Hive with our Core Stability class. It is design to test clients stability strength & endurance levels using a variety of Swiss ball & body weight exercises to improve fitness levels. Variations are used to adapt all exercises to the clients fitness needs. Programs are given for clients to track how progress is going. Our methods are tried and tested and comes with positive results. Changes in fitness levels occur in as little as 3 weeks.
From taking part, clients see increase fat loss, toning, body balance, muscle endurance, strength and postural alignment. You will find everyday activities are a lot more easier in a short time with DGF Training.

For more information please contact
Daniel on 07950412148

Email dgftraining@outlook.com
Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: DGF Training

Prices start at £10 per session. Discounts on block bookings are available on 4, 6 & 12 week bookings.