Blockchain the future of fintech
19th October, 7-10:30pm
Cryptocurrencies, everybody is talking about it, few people understand it.
6 years ago Bitcoin was a term seldom used in the mainstream. Today
everybody seems to have one or want one.
That said Bitcoin has opened up a wave of new opportunities in business
that go beyond even bitcoin itself. A next generation of Bitcoin imitators
have flooded the financial markets and everybody from banks to vegan
communities in Italy are trying to raise money with this new form of
programmable money.
Have you missed the boat? Quite possibly, but it seems there are new boats
leaving daily, you just have to know which ones to get on. Join CTRLHoldings
and our team of Blockchain experts at the Hive Dalston on Thursday the 19th
of October and find out what everybody has been talking about.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take part in this generations Amazons
and googles. Avoid the scams, find out what’s working and join the fastest
growing community of investors and developers today!