
Mondays – Sept 19- Oct 24 2016 (excl Oct 3)
Drops ins welcome

Would you like to increase your levels of relaxation, reduce stress, gain more clarity, become more present, increase your wellbeing, learn techniques to keep calm and grounded or connect more deeply to yourself? Are you looking for more Inner Peace, Joy, Balance and Harmony in your life? If so, come and join for a 5 week Meditation course each Thursday from 7-8pm from Sept 15- Oct 13 2016. Suitable for all levels from complete beginners to those with a more regular meditation practice. Come & discover the joys of meditation to bring more peace, calmness and balance into your life!
5 week course: £40/ £25 concessions (paid in advance)
Drop in per session: £9 waged / £6 concessions
Bookings: https://www. meditation-course-the-hive- dalston-sept-15-oct-13-2016- tickets-27122522194
facebook : events/270316933348426/

